Crayon Shinchan Happy Party Cake
Crayon Shinchan Happy Party Cake
Surface: Crayon Shinchan Toy Display(inedible), Rosemary, Yellow Peach, Blueberry, Strawberry, Cream
Filling: Mixed fruits, Cream, Sponge Cake
Filling: Mixed fruits, Cream, Sponge Cake
Image for reference only
Pickup Date:
Updated pick-up date will be applied to the entire order, also to items in shopping cart.
Select Pickup Date

Price ${{totalPrice}}
- Add +$10 for a chocolate plague ; Order fresh cake above $300 (Calculated by single cake) to free a chocolate plague.
- Customized greetings on the chocolate plaque is limited to a maximum of 20 Chinese characters, a maximum of 20 Chinese characters and English letters combined, or a maximum of 35 English letters. Greetings can be separated into 3 rows, punctuation mark and space inclusive. Emoji is not accepted.
- Please use halfwidth characters for English letters and punctuations, fullwidth characters are not supported and will be removed without prior notice (Conversion of input can be done by pressing ctrl+space in common windowing system).
- Any input of emoji or text that are not supported, the text and message will be deleted without prior notice.
Customise Chocolate Plaque Greetings
Chocolate Plaque Preview
{{chocolateInputLink_1_Limit - chocolateInputLink_1_Current}}
+ 2nd Line
{{chocolateInputLink_2_Limit - chocolateInputLink_2_Current}}
+ 3rd Line
{{chocolateInputLink_3_Limit - chocolateInputLink_3_Current}}
- Add +$10 for a chocolate plague ; Order fresh cake above $300 (Calculated by single cake) to free a chocolate plague.
- Customized greetings on the chocolate plaque is limited to a maximum of 20 Chinese characters, a maximum of 20 Chinese characters and English letters combined, or a maximum of 35 English letters. Greetings can be separated into 3 rows, punctuation mark and space inclusive. Emoji is not accepted.
- Please use halfwidth characters for English letters and punctuations, fullwidth characters are not supported and will be removed without prior notice (Conversion of input can be done by pressing ctrl+space in common windowing system).
- Any input of emoji or text that are not supported, the text and message will be deleted without prior notice.
‧ Add +$10 for a chocolate plague ; Order fresh cake above $300 (Calculated by single cake) to free a chocolate plague.
‧ Customized greetings on the chocolate plaque is limited to a maximum of 20 Chinese characters, a maximum of 20 Chinese characters and English letters combined, or a maximum of 35 English letters. Greetings can be separated into 3 rows, punctuation mark and space inclusive. Emoji is not accepted.
‧ Please use halfwidth characters for English letters and punctuations, fullwidth characters are not supported and will be removed without prior notice (Conversion of input can be done by pressing ctrl+space in common windowing system).
‧ Any input of emoji or text that are not supported, the text and message will be deleted without prior notice.